All the tracking is officially done!
I am though a bit sad. This past week was such a blast but such a blur it's a little hard to put all the pieces together. They did come together though and as I listen over and over again to the rough mix, not only did they come together, they did so beautifully.
Thank you Cason, Will, Tony, Paul, and Tyler for this past week. Not only did all of you put your talent into this project but you really put a lot of heart into it. That in particular was the best part for me to see. Truth is I could've chosen to record anywhere in the country but after spending just three short days with you I know for a fact it wouldn't have been as successful or as meaningful. Thank you all.
I go back to Nashville in a couple weeks for overdubs and to track one more solo piano song. Then we send it to get mixed and mastered. Also, there is talk of pressing the record on vinyl, so all you little hipsters can finally use those dusty old record players you stole from your maw maws and paw paws. Yay!
Some of you have been asking about the track list for the record so without further ado, here it be:
Track 1
Carry Me Like the Wind
You Only Kiss me When You're Drunk
Good To Be Bad
Mothers and Fathers
Deal Me In
I Could Start Fires
I Am Ready To Go Home
A lot of you might be confused as to why I chose to redo more songs than write new ones but I needed these particular "redos" to be given the justice I feel they deserve. A few of these tracks so many of you love, as do I, so I wanted to make them shine to their full potential for us both. I will warn you they will be different. We did this not to necessarily make them better songs but to show a different side of them; a new perspective. I assure you though that they are all fantastic. This is by far the greatest thing I've yet to offer and I hope with all my heart that you can take it in with open arms.
Thanks for all the support so far. All of you have been so good to me.
More pics below and more news to come. Love you all.

Paul worked on and was awarded for Hilary Duff's debut album. Had to snap a pic. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to her.
We went old school on this one. All tape baby.
Paul, Will, Cason, Me, Tyler, Tony